Saturday, February 8, 2014

A new chapter, a new topic for mental ramble.

Well we're finally getting settled in to the apartment. It's so strange living with a man. I don't have to change my habits really, which is nice. He's a very accepting person. The hardest part I think is getting used to the fact that that person is always there. And I mean always. Sharing an apartment is one thing but sharing a life is a whole other can of worms. There's just so many possibilities. What if you don't like the way he does something? What if he doesn't like the way you do something? Will you fight more? What will happen to the romance? What if you get bored of each other?

I think you got through all of those. Everyday.

It's not about what the problem is. It's about what your willing to do about it. Will you over look it? Will you let it go? Will you talk about it? Are you willing to compromise? Can you be understanding? Can he? Once you can figure out just how willing you both are to accept the fact that it is no longer only about the one person you've know and taken care of your entire life, that you'll have to make mental and emotional room for that other person, that's the key.

There is a fine line however in making "room" for someone and giving them everything. Because even tho he might be the person you think of the most, you need to find a way to remind yourself of how valuable you are. It's important no to rely on that other person to give you the recognition you deserve. Make time for yourself. Without him. Go do something that makes you happy. Maybe its going to the book store, or to the bar with your friends, or maybe going to that yoga class you always wanted to join.

At the end of the day, if you wont make time for you, who will?

Sometimes you just have to sit back and take it as it comes. If it's a bad day, let it be a bad day. If it's a good day, enjoy it. Life is a never ending journey of growth not only a person, but as someone who's part of something much bigger.

-Tasha  xo

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fancy claws

I finally gave in and got my nails done. It was absolutely worth getting back on that wagon. There is nothing more relaxing then having someone play with your hand while you gossip or daydream.

The original idea was to get them almond shaped but once my pinkies were done I had second thoughts. I'm always used to getting them square tipped! We agreed I should leave the pinkies to try them out and finished the other four in a square tip. 

My next set will be all almond shape tips. I love my pinkies! I want them to be a full color tho. I need to find idea pictures to really figure out what color or design I want... 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Cruddy Cell Phone - Part 2

After 2 factory resets on my cell phone and a bunch of lost pictures, I finally stopped in to the store I have warranty with to have my phone fixed. Because of the coming long weekend, I'll be waiting until Tuesday to send it out so it takes less time.

Fingers crossed that it comes back too expensive to repair so I can get a new phone. This one, as pretty as it is, does not have a strong enough processor to handle my daily life.

Still not sure if I'd want to go iPhone or stay Android... tho that's not something I need to put too much thought into for the moment.

Cruddy Cell Phone - Part 1

I've known for a while that my phone hasn't been working as it should but I never took the time to try and figure it out. I called my phone company for help and they told me I had to reset it.

So far it seems to have fix my problem but I'm pretty sure I lost a bunch of pictures and I now have to re download all my apps and set it all up again.
Its quite the process trying to get all you info and your apps set up like you want them too. One good thing that came out of this is that my phone is not longer cluttered but random junk from applications past.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Good coffee morning

Good morning!
Thank goodness I've got my coffee this morning!...There's no particular reason I need it, it just tastes so good ;P

Today seems to be a good day to officially start my blog. Being 22 years old, my blog will basically revolve around fashion and beauty (typical right?), home decor (who am I, my mother's daughter?!) and wine (oh yeah!)  Being the nerd that I am, I see a few posts about book and gaming in my blogging future.

I've thought about start a blog for quite a while but never had the guts to do it until now.

Side note: whats with this Blogger site anyway! I can not wait until I understand how to do things on it better. I hate that awkward getting-used-to-something-new period.

I don't quite know how to make sense of all this yet but all in good time I suppose.

For now, I need to go deal with crazy bed head.
Until next time loves!

Testing Tesing!

A beautifull post to test my time stamp adjustments because no I am not posting a 3 something am.